
Thursday, June 29, 2017


i started with "this night"
hang out with somebody who comfort you was really faedah
we talked much about "live a life" and got a point 

firstly, i took a test of psychology 'bout your personality
at that point the result is im the kind of entertainer
cant believed that
2ndly, my friend asked us  mmm "like sympathy-emphaty question about what will you do if your friend end his/er life"
blablabla we debated

however, i knew now why i never had someone besides me
i mean like bf-love-thing or whatever you call it
"such a drama queen and i got scared of it, i need love" i said
she answered me "no your not, you just still cant find someone that match your personality"
"i hope so" i really meant it

then, i thought "ah this is it" 
besides girls, i just had 2 boys that maybe my close friend
X1 is  my truly close friend, X2 became my cf caused we had same "person" between us not because we knew each other from elementary school or we already in it, got it?
what about the other guy in this planet? 
back to what i said before "such a drama queen" (pengertiannya bukan lebay)
realized that im not a good person is the big problem than my ex-you-know-what-i-mean, thats why right? sometimes i got closed with someone but not too long, and i also that 'hello goodbye person'
actually im o.k with that
scare or not i still dont know yet

maybe 2 weeks later when i read this post, i will feeling ashamed
why i wrote this xxxx huffftt
if you read this, let me know what you think about me if its ok of course
dont let the comment below, please email me 
but i thought it wasnt necessary for you hahahaha

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